Trash and Recycling

The City provides trash and recycling pickup through Waste Management. Our collection day is Wednesday. If a holiday falls earlier in the week or on Wednesday, pickup service will be delayed one day. Here is the schedule of upcoming holiday pickup dates:

New Years Day – Thursday pickup on January 2, 2025

Martin Luther King Holiday – no impact

Presidents Day - no impact

Memorial Day - Thursday pckup on May 29, 2025

Fourth of July - no impact

Labor Day - Thursday pickup on September 4, 2025

Thanksgiving Day - no impact

Christmas Day - no impact. Christmas Eve pickup on Wednesday, December 24, 2025

New Year's Day - no impact. New Year's Eve pickup on Wednesday, December 31, 2025

To ensure pickup, place your bins curbside by 6:00 a.m. If your service is missed, please report it to the City Clerk at 913-631-5300 or

Additional Trash - Overflow trash stickers are available for purchase at City Hall. The cost is $6.25 for a sheet of five stickers. There is no limit to the number of stickers you can purchase and no limit to the number of overflow trash bags you can set out on trash day with an overflow sticker.

Recycling - Waste Management has provided the following guidelines to help ensure materials put in our recycling bins are acceptable and free of contamination.

  • Acceptable items: plastic bottles, aluminum and steel cans, flattened paper/cardboard
  • Unacceptable items: glass, Styrofoam, nested items, household waste, and plastic bags. Use the purple glass recycling bins in the compost area (by the picnic ground) for glass items.
  • All materials should be clean and dry.

Large Item Pickup Days - Generally held twice a year, this event gives residents the opportunity to properly dispose of large items not suitable for weekly garbage pickup.

Paper Shredding - Dispose of paper items at this annual event.