City Hall closed. Join city council meeting via Zoom meeting.
Quivirans gathered at the Clubhouse on November 30 for the annual Mayor's Christmas Tree Lighting.
City Hall will be closed Monday, Nov. 11, for Veterans Day. We thank all who served. Regular hours resume Tuesday, Nov. 12.
Bring the family for this annual community event to celebrate the start of the holiday season.
Take advantage of these fall recycling and reuse events hosted by the City of Lake Quivira.
All residents, the City Council Meeting scheduled for October 7th has a new location.
The City Hall Administrative Building is closed temporarily due to some unexpected maintenance issues.
The City is evaluating options for the 40 acres of property, southwest the border of Lake Quivira that it acquired in Dec.2021.
Residents who opt in to the City's new text messaging system will automatically receive notifications on a range of important issues.